Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Ouran High school host club- ET's anime review

Ouran high school host club

Synopsis- A girl goes to a prestigious school and dresses like a boy (not on purpose). She wanders into the host room looking to study. She then knocks over a expensive vase when talking to the hosts. She then has to work for them  to work of the debt through out the series there are many strange occurrences and eventually she learns something about each of the host and they in turn fall for her. Most of the series is a competition to get close to her.

If I saw a picture of this anime, I wouldn't watch it. This would be a serious mistake this anime is awesome. Its hilarious and light-hearted with serious aspects.

There are not many characters in this anime so I am going to do the main ones.

firstly- Haruhi Fujioka, this is the girl who dresses as a boy. By this you would assume their would be almost yuri scenes of her seducing people, this does not occur. Her character is honest and hard working. Its easily relatable, and its funny how shes often referred to as 'commoner' and to see her face which follows. Her design is simple so you can both see the girl and boy in her. Its amazing voice acting in the dubbing for her and she still remains one of my favorite characters.

next is Suo Tomaki, he is the boss of the host club and supposedly the best host. He set up the club with another host. He is a slightly annoying character but it suits what they are trying to portray of the upper classes. he is arrogant and egotistical to the point in which he doesn't know when he is being 'dissed'. He, you can argue, has the strongest feeling for Haruhi. I like his character and is redeemed later on in the series. This anime seems light but has a habbit of suddenly getting deep. This is what this character does. He is kind and does care.

The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachin, these are host who have the whole incest girl craze twin brother gay scene going on. I love this characters as they are very isolated at the beginning playing tricks with each other thats it. But the Haruhi understand them, knows their separate and they grow as characters. Hikaru has stronger feelings for haruhi then Kaoru, you can see this later on in the anime. They are in Haruhi class and use this against Tomaki, this adds to the comedy.

Haninozuka Mitsukuni and Morinozuka Takashi, also called Honey and Mori. They are also a pair. They are a combat pair, both experts at martial arts which this anime shows off but also funny. Mori protects Honey even though he doesn't need it. Honey is the cute little boy character, Mori the tall quiet type. This characters don't get much attention, but their back story and development still has the same impact of the other characters. Neither of these characters have romantic feelings for Haruhi, they are more their for here in a protective platonic way.

last but not least we have Kyoya Ootori, he is the brains behind the club. He controls the money and most events. Referred to as the mommy by tomaki (daddy), he can come across as the colder of the characters and the most harsh but he has the one of the hardest stories behind him. at first not liking this character it creates sympathy liking the character. Not much to say on him he is sort of plain.

characters done :). I love the art of this anime, I think its very clean and sharp and unlike a couple animes Ive seen does not seem to fail in certain scenes. I think this art works excellently with the overall atmosphere of this anime. I cant remember the music as this review is done directly from memory as Ive seen this anime about four times. I recommend this anime totally, some don't class this as funny it all depends on your type of humour

another piece of artwork for you, this is by victoria francis.

Music for today- worry list by blue october, just epic man.

have a good holiday
any reviews you want don't forget to comment
stay awesome

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

No Review but starting anime-ET's anime review

Current anime

OK, sadly there is no review. Sadly I have been very busy currently working on my magic deck and revising for my A2 exams, Its left me with very little time in the anime viewing department. but I have started a couple so I will give you a run down.
I've just finished season 7 of bleach. I am not reviewing it as I want to finish the whole series that do a massive review. This is my favorite series so far. I love everything about it and cant wait to do a full review in more detail. This was my third anime the first was hellsing and second akira. I just love it so much even with the fillers and certain ridiculous characters but everyone has their flaws, right.

The second news is I've started watching death note. I have a lot of anime on DVD and I am currently trying to work my way through it. I already watched the Japanese live action film and read the first manga so my first chance to buy it, i did. so far I am only two episodes in and I love it. Love the art, the music (reminds me of claymore, which I've seen, may be the same theme song). light character annoys me a bit but anything self-righteous does. More news on that when I finish it.

Ive also started Fairy Tail, I felt like i needed something a bit more light-hearted and funny. It seems like a very promising anime, certain voices annoy me but Ill cope. The art is very colorful and I am already slightly addicted.

It must seem like I am an anime noob. I am not I own a lot and have seen a lot I am not going to do review on things Ive just watched a long time ago or i had on DVD and havnt watched in ages as I wont remember a lot of the key aspect of it down. I wouldn't want to give an amazing anime the lack of review it deserves.

art for this week Is from one of my magic cards in my new deck. I thinks its really cool and dark. It suites halloween and is just really beautiful.

song of the day- snuff by slipknot, I love slipknot, I love most things acoustic, Both of best worlds.

have a good holiday
enjoy all anime,games,tv,blog reading 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Angel beats-ET's Anime Review

Angel beats
Its been a really long time now since I watched angel beats but I cant still remember it clearly.
synopsis: To summaries it massively angel beats is about of teenagers who have not had a 'fair' life and experience teenage life properly. To fix this they are sent to an almost limbo to live out said lives but most are unaware that this is the aim of this world and moving on is not quite dying.
characters: I am going to look at the characters I most enjoyed. The first is the male protagonist called Otanashi. all over I like this character and his back story, his character is the main reason I cried at the end due to the amazing voice acting in the dubbed version. He is an easy character to relate to and generally normal seeming making him seem different to most exaggerated characters featured in most anime's   Yui is the next character. Innitially i found her character rather annoying, it was the typical cute anime girl acting with annoying voice and pink hair. The moment I got to the episode of her back story it completely change i fell in love with her character, it made me want to cry with her back story  I like how her relationship develops and becomes a well loved, still annoying but nice character. The next character is Shina, the ninja character. I loved this character from the start, her calm exterior and awesome dark character design but with a cute little flaw of a weakness for cute things. The main thing which disappoints me with this character development is that it never goes into her back story like many other characters in this anime but I suppose for eleven episode they could fit everything in.

the next analyses of this anime is the art style. Personally I loved it. It was light and bright like the world design is meant to insinuate, but can appear dark at sometimes. The coloring is awesome and the character focus is very clear. Overall I preferred this type of design towards designs of bleach or Naruto as it just seams to portray more quality.

I was going to review the music but I cant really remember it sorry.

favourite song time: one foot in front of the other foot by Emilie Autumn. Lovely song and can help you through hard time.

any anime you want reviewing leave a comment and I will try to watch it in a week.

hope you have a good next week

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Intro to why and whens, ta da!! :P

This blog

OK I am going to explain why I started this blog. I love anime and love telling other people good ones to watch. I need a way to relieve stress and think this would be a good way. so I will be uploading a blog, well I will try every time I have  finished  one. reviewing an anime in terms of art design, music, character, plot and anything else I think of. I will also be uploading a favorite song at the bottom. Oh before I forget I am a girl, 19 just finished doing my second year of uni. I will also be uploading any art I like or related to a topic. this picture is from Magic the gathering which I love to play and I am also a gamer.

from ET.