Its been a really long time now since I watched angel beats but I cant still remember it clearly.
synopsis: To summaries it massively angel beats is about of teenagers who have not had a 'fair' life and experience teenage life properly. To fix this they are sent to an almost limbo to live out said lives but most are unaware that this is the aim of this world and moving on is not quite dying.
characters: I am going to look at the characters I most enjoyed. The first is the male protagonist called Otanashi. all over I like this character and his back story, his character is the main reason I cried at the end due to the amazing voice acting in the dubbed version. He is an easy character to relate to and generally normal seeming making him seem different to most exaggerated characters featured in most anime's Yui is the next character. Innitially i found her character rather annoying, it was the typical cute anime girl acting with annoying voice and pink hair. The moment I got to the episode of her back story it completely change i fell in love with her character, it made me want to cry with her back story I like how her relationship develops and becomes a well loved, still annoying but nice character. The next character is Shina, the ninja character. I loved this character from the start, her calm exterior and awesome dark character design but with a cute little flaw of a weakness for cute things. The main thing which disappoints me with this character development is that it never goes into her back story like many other characters in this anime but I suppose for eleven episode they could fit everything in.
I was going to review the music but I cant really remember it sorry.
favourite song time: one foot in front of the other foot by Emilie Autumn. Lovely song and can help you through hard time.
any anime you want reviewing leave a comment and I will try to watch it in a week.
hope you have a good next week
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