Current anime
OK, sadly there is no review. Sadly I have been very busy currently working on my magic deck and revising for my A2 exams, Its left me with very little time in the anime viewing department. but I have started a couple so I will give you a run down.
I've just finished season 7 of bleach. I am not reviewing it as I want to finish the whole series that do a massive review. This is my favorite series so far. I love everything about it and cant wait to do a full review in more detail. This was my third anime the first was hellsing and second akira. I just love it so much even with the fillers and certain ridiculous characters but everyone has their flaws, right.
The second news is I've started watching death note. I have a lot of anime on DVD and I am currently trying to work my way through it. I already watched the Japanese live action film and read the first manga so my first chance to buy it, i did. so far I am only two episodes in and I love it. Love the art, the music (reminds me of claymore, which I've seen, may be the same theme song). light character annoys me a bit but anything self-righteous does. More news on that when I finish it.
Ive also started Fairy Tail, I felt like i needed something a bit more light-hearted and funny. It seems like a very promising anime, certain voices annoy me but Ill cope. The art is very colorful and I am already slightly addicted.
It must seem like I am an anime noob. I am not I own a lot and have seen a lot I am not going to do review on things Ive just watched a long time ago or i had on DVD and havnt watched in ages as I wont remember a lot of the key aspect of it down. I wouldn't want to give an amazing anime the lack of review it deserves.
art for this week Is from one of my magic cards in my new deck. I thinks its really cool and dark. It suites halloween and is just really beautiful.
song of the day- snuff by slipknot, I love slipknot, I love most things acoustic, Both of best worlds.
have a good holiday
enjoy all anime,games,tv,blog reading
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