Synopsis- This is a supernatural yuri with a tiny bit of mecha, its about two girls who turn out to be the solar and lunar goddess and they have to come together to destroy and evil force that's trying to destroy the world. There is a love triangle, a bit of philosophy/religion.
I loved this anime a lot, its available dubbed and subbed, I liked the way they portrayed the relationship of the girls, and the development of the path with each other.
characters- theres 4 characters i will look at the two main girls, the main guy and the bad guys in general
Chikane- she is the lunar goddess in the anime, the tall, dark haired serious type of girl. she is the one who goes through heartbrake for most of the series as she cant confess her feelings. she protects the other leading lady even if not very well, and make continues sacrifices for her with out her realizing. overall I liked the character very much but its also your stereotypical long haired moody girl.
Himeko-she is the solar goddess, the typically dypsey blonde sorta of character, who also holds feelings for chikane but cant confess them. Her character was sorta of useless but this was useful for the anime as it allowed for better development of Chikane and Soma.
Souma-He is one of the main characters who fight along side Chikane and Himeko despite his destiny telling him otherwise, he erked me as he liked Himeko she went out with him because she thought she couldn't stand a chance with Chikane which slowed down their love story. He was one of the characters who used a mecha and used ridiculously cheesy powers but thats only a small part so its easy to ignore it.
bad guys- cant remember their official title, they were your typical bad guys, young child, young girl star, the nerd, sexy nun,muscle guy, and off course slightly gay looking most powerful. they also used mecha with ridiculous powers but overall weren't too bad characters,
overall the character dubbing was fine, the leading ladys were dubbed by two actors who do bleach. and seemed to suit their characters very well.
Art-overall the art style was average it wasnt like omg amazing but wasnt awful, it was fine for the anime keeping in mind its not the newest so its not going to look the best.
Music-uber catchy opening and closing song, really got stuck in my head.
overall the only downside is it can be abit cheesy but overall i absolutely loved this anime and I would defo recommend watching it.
song for the day is- I,alone by otep. some times you just need metal!
any anime you want reviewing leave a comment and I will try to watch it in a week.
hope you have a good next week
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